More and more companies and industries are collecting and using data and trying to make it clean and useful, nowadays. Many of them are using Big Data to monetize, reduce their expenses or give better products to their customers and markets. Process of data collection and usage is known, but not perfect and in many industries usage of Big Data may cause feelings of phycological violence among customers, and that is why, before industries will go to the next stages of data collection, warehousing, analytics and usage, ethics and rules must be developed and tested. Without getting feedback from society, target customers or from clients, industries should not collect and use human-centric data. Implementation of Big Data should be done step by step, iteration by iteration via continuous improvements, until it will help to create better societies, satisfied customers and happy People.
If engineers are trying to fully automate life of customers and give more freedom to robots and artificial intelligent softwares, then they should be careful to not risk freedom of People (their rights to be creative and emotional and philosophical, to make new progress and to be able to continue cognitive progresses, to observe & explore, to be right and to be wrong, make mistakes and find new paths for future). Future of development of Big Data can be via creating many different DSS softwares, experts can use more and more DSS software to improve their Expert Intuition or to have better judgments in their professional or daily life. DSS software can be everywhere in our life and it will help to have better Big Data and AI products, humanoid robots and automated processes in different industries.
Specialists should create right patterns for social groups, but have individual approach to person and try to understand their real personality; e.g. some People have emotional, spiritual, creative or even populistic life which is very different than life of ordinary People, life of professionals and experts are different from those who have less intellectual job, painter without resources can’t show talent and can’t have true behavior, and as a client every person may behave differently (even when they have different budgets or located in different regions of the world or period of time). Examples are a lot; sportsmen who is trying to be champion may not think about better gym, artists who is trying to be famous may not think about going to museum, single person who is going to restaurant may have a wish to date someone and not hungry at all or when they are searching present for their teenager nice, should not get advertisement related to teenager or parents (not online and not offline), unemployed person who is trying to establish businesses and be successful may not have a look to find a job, in other words, people may search or generate data, but their real needs may be different and aim of professionals and softwares first of all should understand what is real and hidden reality to not loose clients and markets. Again, decades are needed to translate human behavior, needs, environment, influences & other factors which are forming their life to graphs, algorithms, variables, numbers, data to be able to create really useful and clean Big Data related to any target customer, client or person.

Of course, Big Data is useful and helping to make new medicine, better materials for construction, for furniture, for gadgets, have better food, city traffic and so on, but Big Data is still not clean and not complete enough to help to be perfect for human-centric sales, mass marketing or propaganda. Big Data do not have variables to calculate feelings, indirect influences of environments or non liner thinking (such variables may have big impact when system will try to understand market or behavior of client). Big Data can be used to have better solutions to clean ocean, protect nature, to have better climate tech, cities, even may help to use water of ocean to make new habitations and agricultures in deserts, new types of plants, but not to have individual approach to person. Many variables are hidden or combined with each other and softwares can not detect them, for example; how should system understand who is using public or family computer and what advertisement may be the best based on cookies or whom to link searched data? Or, how system should understand needs of doctor or student of medical university when they are searching different illnesses for their study or to serve their patients? This kind of data is everywhere and no matter from how many sources system will get data about any person, it will be wrong, and that is why professionals need to make better Big Data, DSS and AI systems to be able to create behavioral marketing and economic or other approaches which will use Big Data to serve or manipulate masses.
Couple of technologies, systems, softwares and even sociological and anthropological approaches should be developed to generate better data, analyze, use and monetize it right. Some technologies; e.g. CRM (Customer Relationship Management), ETL (Extract, Transform, Load), ERP (Enterprise Resource Management), EDW (Enterprise Data Warhorse), BI (Business Intelligence) systems are touching small part of human related data (maybe less than ~1%) and not complete enough to automate all processes and have complete image about market, customers and environment were marketing and sale targets are. Of course, some new innovations (like Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Quantum Computers, Quantum Internet and better storages) will give engineers new horizons to create better Big Data and better systems and add more variables and variations to have purified Big Data, and maybe that is why, for now, it is better to focus in processes which are giving maximum result (scientific fundamental projects, designing interior or furniture, developing new materials or medicine, guessing weather, learning nature, constructing buildings and infrastructures) and then improve approaches, algorithms, technologies, skills before using Big Data to have better technologies of governance, to have better sales and marketing, media and propaganda or politics. In other words, before using or creating human centric Big Data and using it for manipulations of clients or for manipulations of masses or markets, it is better to spend decades and learn how to deal with Big Data, Decision Support Systems, Artificial Intelligence and mixed offline and online realities and new global world.
So, why people love, show sympathy, why people are looking to stars or sunrise and dreaming, why people create, explore, observe, why people cry and smile, why people smile when they are upset, why they leave when they love, why they stay when they do not love? This kind of question may look very romantic, poetic , not pragmatic and not related to topic, but in reality market is full of potential clients who behave based on their unpredictable or predictable emotional or non emotional states and, if specialist are going to use Big Data to manipulate potential customers, their softwares should answer to this questions, algorithms should turn them into patterns and their data should store them with enough variables to have really useful and clean Big Data. Is it possible today or after decades when philosophers can not answer to this questions more than 4000 years?